Choosing a Campaign Type
Choosing a Campaign Type
When choosing the right campaign type, it's important to plan out your goals for the campaign.
Imagine your users actively competing against one another to see who can grow your business the fastest!
Collect new signups faster than ever before by offering incentives that don’t cost you a dime.
Easily sePopularLearning Tips, Tricks & Strategies
Learning Tips, Tricks & Strategies
You can learn about tips, tricks, strategies and use cases within the VIRAL GROWTH ACADEMY, feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or requests for content!Few readersCustomizing the Fields (Phone Number etc)
You can customize the fields as you wish, for example, the widget below would include phone number, but we're looking to update the field options to have a more dedicated builder later this yearFew readersUpdating the Banners for Included Header Templates
We now have header images built for the top of any widget!
Download the Figma file at readersAdding a Shadow to the Widget Background
Adding a Shadow to the Widget Background
To add a shadow box, add this CSS code to the page.
.pkcontainer box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 3.55%);Few readersWhat are the benefits of referral marketing?
What are the benefits of referral marketing?
Cost Effective
Referral marketing is an extremely cost-effective way to acquire new customers. Unlike traditional forms of marketing, referral marketing doesn't require a significant investment in advertising or marketing materials. Instead, startups can simply incentivize their existing customers to refer their friends and family, which can result in a significant return on investment!
The Network Effect
Another key benefit of referral maFew readers